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We need our readers to help us form the most complete picture of what's happening with today's independent insurance agents.
A great insurance-customer experience helps build business value while a poor one erodes it, according to Watermark Consulting.
Lisa Lindsay with the Private Risk Management Association discusses how homeowners can better understand their insurance coverage.
Here's why insurance and risk management professionals should monitor gender-disparity issues.
These fall home-maintenance steps can provide homeowners with peace of mind as the seasons change.
Insurers face significant customer retention risks as more baby boomers prefer to rent rather than own homes.
InsureTech Connect 2021 drew roughly 6,000 attendees and 300 vendors to Mandalay Bay in Las Vegas.
Insurance is among the most sustainable industries in the world for a reason: It moves with society.
Professional and management liability coverages, including directors and officers insurance, are more prudent — and expensive — than ever.
Flexible work is here to stay, but many managers are out of touch with their employees, according to Microsoft.